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Taiwan Hsinchu Tzu Chiang Junior High School 新竹縣自強國中

It has been fourteen years since the TzuChing Junior High School Wind Band was established. Not only has it been a consistent winner in the Hsinchu County Music Competition, it has also represented the county in the National Student Music Competition, and continuously won awards from 2008 to 2022.

Our school's  hopes to cultivate music performance , and enhance students and parents' understanding of cultural life and art education through performance activities, so as to achieve the goal of "making music a living and making life musical".

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Chang, Ying-Chung 張穎中
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Fortress by Frank Ticheli

"Die csárdásfürstin" Selections from an Operatta in 3 Acts
For Wind Ensemble by Emmerich Kalman / arr. Eiji Suzuki



Chan, Chih-Chiang 詹志強

Chan, Yueh-Lin 詹岳霖

Chang, Che-Yen 張喆妍

Chang, Ching-Hsuan 張晴瑄

Chang, En-Chieh 張恩婕

Chang, Yu-Chieh 張語倢

Chen, Pei-Chieh 陳姵捷

Chen, Yi-Chuan 陳易詮

Chen, Yi-Ju 陳依如

Chen, Yi-Ting 陳佾莛

Chen, Yi-Yen 陳佾妍

Chen, Yu-Chen 陳又甄

Chiang, Yi-Na 姜亦娜

Chiou, Chung-Chi 邱仲祺

Chiou, Shiuan-Yau 邱亘遙

Chiu, Min-Hao 邱旻顥

Fan, Yen-Hsi 范妍盻

Fan, Yun-Chiao 范昀喬

Han, Min-Yen 韓旻諺

Ho, Meng-Chen 何孟真

Hou, Yu-Wei 侯禹崴

Hsieh, Pin-Le 謝品樂

Hsieh, Yun-En 謝允恩

Hsu, Tzu-Ching 徐子晴

Huang, Hsuan-Fei 黃翾菲

Huang, Shao-Lun 黃少侖

Huang, Yen-Hsiang 黃彥翔

Ku, Yu-Chun 古宇均

Li, Yi-Han 李羿涵

Liao, Tzu-Yu 廖梓愉

Liao, Yen-Hsun 廖彥勛

Lin, Chih-Chia 林至迦

Lin, Hao-Wei 林昊葳

Lin, Yu-Xin 林語歆

Lin, Yu-Zhen 林禹溱

Liu, Chen-Jui 劉諶叡

Liu, Nien-Tzu 劉念慈

Liu, Yi-Ying 劉懿潁

Liu, Yun-Chi 劉昀綺

Lo, Yi-Hsuan 羅翊軒

Lu, Ke-Fei 呂岢霏

Lu, Ke-Ji 呂岢冀

Lu, Yu-Ping 呂聿平

Ou Yang, Yu-Hsin 歐陽羽芯

Peng, Hui-Hsin 彭卉忻

Peng, Mi-Chi 彭米淇

Peng, Yi-Ching 彭翊晴

Peng, Yi-Kai 彭羿鎧

Peng, Yun-Hung 彭允弘

Shen, Tzu-Chi 沈子綺

Tsai, Han-Ying 蔡函穎

Tsai, Yung-Hsin 蔡詠馨

Tseng, Hsing-Yu 曾星予

Tseng, Yu-Hsuan 曾羽萱

Tsou, Hsiang-Hao 鄒翔皓

Tu, Yung-Ching 涂詠晴

Tu, Yung-Ning 涂詠甯

Wei, Ching-Ning 魏罄甯

Wu, Pei-Rou 吳沛柔

Wu, Yi-Fang 吳懿方

Wu, Yu-Ho 巫羽禾

Yang, Mu-Chun 楊慕群

Yeh, Hsu-Fang 葉旭芳

Yu, Pin-Chih 游品智



Competition Time

25 July 2024 (Thursday)


YST Conservatory of Music Concert Hall

Outreach Performance Time

27 July 2024 (Saturday)


Bedok Town Square



Note: Above information is correct at time of publication and may be subjected to change without prior notice.

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