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rules & regulations

Challenge yourself at the #SIBF2024!


Definitions & General Rules for Competition


  1. The term “musician” when mentioned, does not include the conductor of the participating band.

  2. Each musician may perform with only one participating band regardless of division. Musicians may also perform with any one of the ensembles in the Ensemble Competition, regardless of division.

  3. Every musician will be deemed as representative of participating band’s organisation. Participating bands will be required to take responsibility for the behaviour of their musicians.

  4. A professional musician is defined as one who has received tertiary education in music performance, and/or has performed, conducted or taught music as a profession, on a full-time or part-time basis in the past one year from date of competition.

  5. Participating bands are advised to perform contrasting works that have a significant level of technical difficulty and musical depth, which can best display their band’s performance ability.

  6. The grade of choice music will be as stated by the publisher. The grade of unpublished work or manuscript must be indicated by the composer.

  7. The required music prescribed list will be announced at a later date.

  8. Participating bands are required to own the original sheet music, or owns the performance rights of the music performed at SIBF (in cases of rented music or manuscript). Participating bands must bring along the original set of sheet music to competition venue for verifications. 

  9. The stage time will start when the first musician steps onto stage and continues until the last person leaves the stage. Performing bands may tune or warm-up on stage within stipulated stage time. Conductor may step off stage for sound check before commencing your performance.

  10. The music duration timing will start on the first beat of the music and continues till the end of performance.


Instruments Allowed


  1. Basic percussion instruments will be provided for the Competition and will be set on stage. Participating bands are allowed to use their own percussion instruments without removing large instruments from their original stage position. Time and space constraints on stage must be taken into consideration should the band decide to use their own instrument(s).

  2. Participating bands may use any of the following instruments: Piccolo, Flute, Oboe, English Horn, Clarinet, Bassoon, Saxophone, Horn, Trumpet, Cornet, Flugelhorn, Trombone, Baritone, Euphonium, Tuba, Cello, Double Bass, Timpani, Percussion, Harp, Piano, Electric Bass, Synthesizer (only for replacement of instruments, e.g. Celesta, Harp or when indicated by composer) and any instruments as indicated on the score.

  3. The bands performing in Esplanade Concert Hall may use the organ. However, the cost of using the organ will be fully borne by the participating band, in addition to the participation fees.


Marking Scheme


  1. Each participating band will be assessed according to the following criteria based on their performance:

    1. ​ENSEMBLE

      • Sound: Intonation, Tone Quality, Balance

      • Technique: Articulation, Ensemble Musicianship, Rhythm

      • Musical Performance: Phrasing, Dynamics, Interpretation

      • Blend: Timbre, Blend, Contrast

      • Repertoire Choice: Suitability of work for the ensemble to showcase substantial technical abilities and musical depth.

    2. BAND

      • ​Technique: Articulation, Ensemble Musicianship, Rhythm

      • Musical Performance: Phrasing, Dynamics, Interpretation

      • Sound: Intonation, Tone Quality, Balance

      • Programming & Artistic Direction (applicable to Concert Division only)

  2. The final result will be the averaged mark given by all adjudicators, rounded up to 2 decimal places, totaled at 100 marks. In the case of a draw between two or more bands, the Division winner will be decided by the adjudicators’ vote.

  3. Results of all participating bands & ensembles will be announced at the Closing Ceremony on 28 July 2024 (Sunday) at the Esplanade Concert Hall.

  4. Each participating group will receive a written appraisal from the panel of international adjudicators and a certificate based on the following:

    • Gold                                 80.00 - 89.99

    • Silver                               70.00 - 79.99

    • Bronze                             60.00 - 69.99

    • Certificate                        Below 60.00

  5. Groups that score 90.00 marks and above will be awarded Gold with Distinction.

  6. Participating groups that exceed the stipulated performance time or perform below minimum time shall result in 5% deduction of the final marks. This is an administrative, non-artistic penalty and will be made known via announcements when enforced. The results after enforcement of penalty will be final and non-negotiable.

  7. Participating groups that violate any rule(s) of the Competition will have their award and benefits revoked.

  8. All decisions made by the adjudicators are final. No appeal will be entertained.

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